Unemployment allowance for additional days to be replaced by a change security model for over 55s

28.12.2022 | News


The payment of unemployment security for additional days will be phased out to be replaced by a change security scheme for those aged 55 or over. The legislative amendments will enter into force at the beginning of 2023.

The additional days of unemployment security will be abolished

The earnings-related unemployment allowance is usually paid for a maximum of 300–500 days. The additional allowance days refer to the right to earnings-related unemployment allowance after this maximum period. The right to additional allowance days requires fulfilling the age limit criteria before reaching the maximum days for unemployment allowance. The age limit is currently between 61 and 62 years, depending on the year of birth.

With the legislative amendment, the additional allowance days will end in stages. The age limit for additional allowance days will be raised by one year for those born in 1963 and 1964, and the possibility of additional allowance days will be completely removed for those born in 1965 and later.

This means that the reform will affect the right to earnings-related unemployment allowance from 2025 onwards, when those born in 1963 will reach the current age limit of 62 years for additional allowance days. The payment unemployment allowance of additional days will end in 2030.

Year of birth      Age limit for additional
allowance days after the change
Amendment proposed by the Government
1957–1960 61 years no change
1961–1962 62 years no change
1963 63 years age limit raised
1964 64 years age limit raised
1965 no right to additional allowances days right to additional allowance days removed







Change security scheme for people aged 55 and over

The new change security scheme for people aged 55 and over will be introduced from the beginning of 2023. Those covered by the change security scheme are entitled to a change security allowance, training and extended re-employment leave:

  • the change security allowance corresponds to one month’s salary
  • the change security training lasts up to 6 months, and the value corresponds to a salary of up to 2 months
  • the re-employment leave is 5 days longer than normal

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